The first rule of thumb of making any Long case
clock is to have the movement first. Many good woodworkers have made that
mistake. For this clock, I purchased the Kieninger 9 tube movement from
Klockit below. At $3,300 it is arguably the best new, mass produced
movement available today. That cost includes the pendulum, weights, dial face
and all.
The ogee feet
design was typical for the period of the 1780's.
The solid Walnut case. 8'
10" tall. Top of finial is 9' 8" tall.
Corner fluted columns fitted into place.
Final fit test of the nearly completed case.
The movement is permanently bolted to what is called the Seat Plate. It
is important that this seat plate be removeable for occasional clock smith
servicing. The case is stationary while the hood assymbly slides off and
the seat plate can be slid out with the movement bolted to it after the
pengulium, the 36 pounds of wieghts and 9 brass tubes are removed.
This grandfather clock lower compartment was
designed and built to house a small kid in case of a wolf attack when mother is
away as in the Story of "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".
(Brothers Grimm)
Having been a year now since complete, I miss the
time I spent on this very enjoyable piece. I had this design in my head for
many years. It was good to let it out and become part of my everyday life as
the chimes ring 24 hours a day. As I wind the weights each week, it's as though
I have a lifelong friend. A difficult concept to understand for someone with
little appreciation for hand made woodwork and beautiful wood.
I only hope that when I am someday unable to wind
the weights and it's passed down to a loved one, they will equally appreciate
History of The Grandfather Clock
Today, we know these tall clocks that are set in
wooden cases to be "Grandfather Clocks." But, they weren't always
called that. In fact, they were first called, "Longcase Clocks" or
"Coffin Clocks". So how did they acquire their current name? Read
this interesting article and find out the charming history of the Grandfather
Two Scientists and a Clockmaker Contribute
Although it's usually not among his list of popular
contributions to the world, Italian scientist Galileo Galilei discovered in the
year 1582 that time could be told by using a pendulum. Seventy-four years later
after Galileo's discovery, a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens built the
first clock that used a pendulum. However, William Clement, who was a Dutch
clockmaker, realized that by lengthening the pendulum, the time on a clock was
more accurate. But, the long, three-foot pendulum he created wouldn't fit into
a standard-sized clock case. So, in 1670, Clement built the first
"long-case" clock with a pendulum. Clocks like this were also called
"Floor Clocks", for obvious reasons, as well as "Coffin
Clocks" because they looked like the wooden boxes corpses were buried in.
This part of the history of the Grandfather Clock is entirely true. The next
part of the story is supposedly true as well. Whether it is or not, you have to
agree it makes the clock's history "charming" and certainly more
Some years ago, two brothers named
"Jenkins" owned and operated the George Hotel, an establishment
located in rural North Yorkshire, England. In the lobby of this hotel sat a
long-cased clock. It just "tick-tocked" away and kept perfect time,
until... one of the Jenkins brothers died. Then, the long-cased clock wouldn't
keep the correct time. It always ran behind. The surviving brother brought in
clocksmith after clocksmith, but none of them could figure out what was wrong
with the timepiece. It just kept running slower.
Finally, at the age of ninety years old, the remaining Jenkins brother's
heart stopped ticking, and he passed away. And, on that same day, the
long-cased clock that sat in the lobby of the hotel stopped ticking too. The
new owner left the clock at its location with its hands showing the very time
that the second brother had died.
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